Vitamin C is an essential nutrient that must be gained from sources outside the human body. Oral vitamin C supplements are not an effective cancer treatment. Clinical studies using high doses of injectable vitamin C show promising results.

A study from Holden Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Iowa shows that IV vitamin C can produce hydrogen peroxide(H2O2), that can damage tissue and DNA. The study also shows that tumor cells are much less capable of removing the damaging hydrogen peroxide than normal cells. Therefore, cancer cells are much more prone to damage and death from a high amount of hydrogen peroxide produced by high dose vitamin C.

At pharmacological doses (plasma ≥20 mM), achievable through intravenous delivery, vitamin kills most cancer cells.

Intravenous vitamin C appears to be well tolerated with side effects occurring in less than 1% of patients. Most side effects are minor and include lethargy, fatigue, change in mental status and vein irritation.

At Omega Precision Oncology, we use vitamin c at dose of 50 g to 100 g per treatment, two or three times per week for 2 months, then once or twice per week as maintenance. Each treatment lasts 1-3 hours.