An Expert Second Opinion for Cancer Care

An expert online or in-office second opinion can offer you reassurance that you’re getting the best care. At Omega Precision Oncology, Integrative BioOncology, we provide this service from the comfort of your home via telemedicine or in our clinic.

We will review your records remotely, answer your questions, and render our medical opinions.

Online Telemedicine Second Opinion: Personalized and Convenient

To deliver the expertise of Omega Precision Oncology to you, no matter where you are, we’ve partnered with an extensive network of laboratories and services. Everything is done online and securely, saving you the time and expense of traveling to Houston, Texas.

Omega’s Online Telemedicine Second Opinion service allows cancer patients to get an expert second opinion from Dr. Zhang, who is one of the few physicians in the country board-certified both in Medical Oncology and Integrative Medicine. Our Online Telemedicine Second Opinion service is powered by cutting-edge medical science and holistic tradition.

When to Use Our Online Telemedicine Second Opinion Service

Use our Online Telemedicine Second Opinion service when:

You have received a new cancer diagnosis and want to learn what you can do in addition to standard care.

Your condition has changed.

Your care team recommends hospice care, and you want to seek the most active treatments possible.

A second opinion from Dr. Zhang can provide you with additional options for your care.

Coverage and Warning

Currently, most health plans do not cover online second opinions or consultations, but you may elect to submit to your insurance the superbill.

Warning: This is not an emergency service. Do not rely on electronic communications for help with medical emergencies. If you have a medical emergency, please call your local emergency service or go to your nearest hospital ER or urgent-care center.